Alternative Provision Classes
We offer 2.5-hour long sessions at a time, with a minimum booking of 1 session per week and maximum of 5, dependent on need and additional education package in place.
We have separate Primary and Secondary spaces to ensure age-appropriate planning, resources and encourage age-appropriate relationship building with their peers.
Each space is equipped with a large table and chairs to encourage group work and social skills. Each room also has access to it's own quiet room with sensory lights, calming sounds and beanbags as well as a small desk to enable 1:1 learning and a private space for learning, should this be required or preferred by the student.
Our sessions offer emotional literacy interventions to support students to understand their own emotions, behaviours and responses whilst also encouraging understanding of others, through a variety of bespoke and child-centred intervention work.
We work towards identifying and implementing effective, realistic, individual strategies to promote and achieve positive outcomes for all our students.
Our timetables also offer sensory art sessions to develop social skills, explore feelings and emotions through sensory exploration and promote positive self-confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness and further develop their emotional literacy skills.
We build positive, safe relationships which enable our students to feel safe, engage, focus and thrive in all areas of their development.
Our students are supported by a professional, experienced team to learn and understand about themselves with positive reinforcement and recognition at the core of everything we do.